Flor at the conference “L’esperienza italiana e del veronese nel contrasto al riciclaggio di denaro e confisca dei beni”


Roberto Flor (Scientific Coordinator of the CSSC Verona Office) will speak at the conference “L’esperienza italiana e del veronese nel contrasto al riciclaggio di denaro e confisca dei beni” (EN: “The Italian and Veronese experience in the fight against money laundering and asset seizure”, Verona, Porta Palio, December 9, 2022 from 14:30 to 18:00).

The event is organized by the Municipality of Verona in collaboration with the Foundation SAFE and the Order of Auditors and Accountants of Verona, and is the conclusion of a training event in the framework of the EuroMed Justice Program, implemented by the Consortium SAFE-EPLO.

Flor will intervene with a report entitled “Nuove tecnologie e contrasto al riciclaggio” (EN: “New technologies and the fight against money laundering”).

Poster and agenda