The study of security and safety at the universities of Trento and Verona

Training and research in the field of security and safety have always been priorities of the University of Trento and the University of Verona. Some of the laboratories and research groups work in the two universities, which are the most recognized nationally and internationally, and there are numerous faculty in various Departments dedicated to research on security, safety, crime and risk management.

The new Centre of Security and Crime Sciences

Putting teaching and scientific research in the field of security at the service of the state system: this is the goal of the Centre of Security and Crime Sciences, the Joint Research Centre of the University of Trento and the University of Verona founded in February 2021.The Centre of Security and Crime Sciences deals with the identification, analysis, prevention, mitigation, management, communication and perception of risks related to security, sustainable security, as well as the study of intelligence sciences applicable in a wide variety of institutional, economic and social contexts.

The Centre conducts complex applied research and high-level training activities in a very inter/multidisciplinary way, both for graduates and for professionals and actors in the sector. The Centre, which has its administrative headquarters at the University of Trento, is managed by professors and researchers from the departments and centres of the two universities. The Centre aims to promote ongoing dialog between researchers and public institutions, large companies and other security sector stakeholders, including the exchange of experiences and best practices.

Activities revolve around a new model of collaboration between the world of research and education and the world of institutions and companies to respond to the modern challenges of security in the different meanings in which it is declined.

The integration of knowledge

The project is being developed based on a highly interdisciplinary approach to security and its growing global challenges and is unique at the national and international levels. The novelty and the key to the Centre's activities lie in the integration of all knowledge and approaches (criminology, law, statistics, mathematics, sociology, information sciences, human sciences, engineering, economics, medicine, psychology and cognitive sciences, physics, biology), augmented by the exchange of experiences and best practices that merge into the security sciences.

Activities of the Centre

The Centre:

  • proposes, manages and carries out applied research;

  • takes care of the dissemination of information on research carried out or in progress;

  • organises, also in collaboration with external bodies and subjects, specialization and advanced training courses for the development and training of higher-level skills and abilities in professional and scientific fields;

  • organizes seminars and conferences;

  • promotes and coordinates masters and PhDs;

  • offers support in training courses at partner universities;

  • promotes the publication, also online, of series of monographs/essays and of a scientific journal;

  • offers highly specialized consultancy activities in all areas of research activity.