Kick-off event presenting”HARD DISC”

Rome (Università degli Studi Roma Tre)

On Friday 19 July 2024, starting at 9:30, the kick-off presentation of “HARD DISC – Human Centered approach and regulatory dimension in developing an interoperable and secure cyberspace” was held in the Aula Magna of the Department of Law of the University of Roma Tre.

The project is the winner of the “cascade” call for proposals of the SERICS Extended Partnership issued by the CNR for the selection of project proposals aimed at granting funding using the resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), for activities consistent with those of Spoke 1 “Human, Social, and Legal Aspects”, as part of the initiative “Security and rights in the cyberspace” – SERICS (call code: IIT SERICS SPOKE 1, n. 1 – Prot. 413515 of 21/12/2023). A research is proposed that, with a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, aims to identify the main legal, social and ethical problems of cybersecurity, in the public and private sectors.

The partnership involves nine Italian universities, among the most prestigious in our country, to conduct a broad-spectrum investigation on the topic of security in cyberspace. The partnership was established primarily to bring together some excellent entities—widely recognized in both national and international contexts—in various fields of investigation.

Both the University of Trento (unit headed by: Andrea Di Nicola, Associate Professor of Criminology and Director of the CSSC) and the University of Verona (unit headed: Roberto Flor, Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Scientific Coordinator of the Verona Branch of the CSSC) are part of the partnership.

The presentation of the project (in which the representatives of the Universities involved in the Partnership spoke) was preceded by a round table introduced by Carlo Colapietro (responsible for the HARD DISC project) and Andrea Simonicini (coordinator of the Cyberights project of the Serics Foundation) and attended by Bruno Frattesi (Director of the National Agency for Cybersecurity), Mario Nobile (General Director of the Agency for Digital Italy) and Guido Scorza (Member of the Board of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data).