On June, 25 a workshop took place in Brussels to exchange insights on the functioning and challenges of asset declaration systems (AID systems) in EU countries. This was the first thematic workshop organised as part of the EU network against corruption, established by the European Commission in 2023. Anti-corruption experts from EU countries gathered with civil society, international organisations, and academics to share good practices and guidance in the field.
Andrea Di Nicola participated by discussing the challenges and opportunities related to evaluating the effectiveness and performance of the systems adopted by various states.
On this topic, the qAID project is ongoing, aiming to provide EU Member States (MSs) and Candidate States (CSs) with contemporary knowledge and innovative tools to assess and improve the impact of national asset and interest disclosure (AID) systems. The project, co-funded by the European Commission under the ISF programme, is coordinated by the CSSC and carried out in partnership with the Italian Anticorruption Authority (ANAC), the Romanian National Agency for Integrity (ANI), the Centre for the Study of Democracy (CSD, Bulgaria), and the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (RAI, the regional intergovernmental organization devoted to curbing corruption in South Eastern Europe, based in Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Pic credits : home-affairs.ec.europa.eu